Integrated Report 2019 | PGE Capital Group

Productive capital

We own the largest generation asset base in Poland in the area of electricity and heat production. At the same time, we are the second largest distributor of electricity in Poland, owning a substantial asset base for the transmission of electricity. This is the material foundation of our business.


2019 2018
Number of lignite-based plants 2 2
Number of hard coal-based plants 3 3
Number of CHP plants 16 16
Number of wind farms 14 14
Number of hydro-power plants and pumped-storage plants 33 33
Number of photovoltaic plants 1 1
Installed electricity capacities at conventional assets (MW) 15,591 14,036
Installed heating capacities (MWt) 8,765 8,765
Installed renewables capacities (MW) 933 933
Installed pumped storage capacities* (MW) 1,256 1,256
Number of distribution stations 94,921 94,198
Capacity of distribution stations (MVA) 32,177 31,570
Length of distribution lines (km) 293,686 290,235

*Without pumped storage plants with natural in-flow.


Net electricity output conventional assets
Net electricity output renewable assets
Distribution of electricity
Production of heat

2019 2018
Net electricity output conventional assets (TWh) 56.03 64.09
Net electricity output renewable assets (TWh) 1.64 1.44
Net electricity output pumped storage assets (TWh) 0.65 0.39
Distribution of electricity (TWh) 36.38 36.41
Production of heat (PJ) 50.34 51.18
Sale of heat (PJ) 50.34 49.66
  • In 2019 we completed modern generation capacities: 1,800 MW at Elektrownia Opole.  Unit of 490 MW
  • at Elektrownia Turów is still under construction. The new generating units are one of the most advanced in Europe and estimated CO2 emission per MWh is approx. 25% lower than emissions of respective existing generating units.
  • We are focused on renewable and low-carbon sources. Wind farm with capacity of 97 MW was already completed. We are starting construction of highly efficient gas units at ZEDO power plant (1400 MW), new heating and electric gas capacities at Czechnica CHP and PV’s installations.
  • We completed consolidation of district heating assets within the Group, leading to the emergence of a strong and specialized District heating business line
  • We are continuing work on ensuring the opportunity to use growth options in the future (offshore wind energy, nuclear power, modern coal energy)
  • We are modernising our generation assets, increasing their efficiency and reducing their environmental footprint
  • We are developing our distribution network, increasing its reliability and the quality of services for clients

Implementing growth projects and acquiring new assets, we increase the Group’s manufactured capital of the Group. This development takes up financial capital but in the long term these investments should contribute to increasing financial capital. We focus on effectiveness and using the best available technologies, thanks to which we constantly contribute to reducing the use of natural capital. We constantly increase the use of new technologies and improve the existing ones, building up competences within our human capital.

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