Draft act on compensation for the increase in electricity prices in 2020. |
- Introduction of compensation for the increase in electricity prices in 2020 as compared to prices in 2019.
- The compensation would be available to end customers in households whose taxable income did not exceed the first tax bracket in 2019 and who will consume at least 63kWh of electricity in 2020.
- ¡ The compensation would be paid in 2021 by trading companies at the request of the customer, through appropriate corrections to the invoices.
- The act provides for 4 compensation thresholds depending on the amount of energy consumption.
- The costs of compensation payments (an amount equal to the sum of the compensation paid to end customers) are to be financed with funds from the sale of 25 million CO2 emission allowances which form part of the national auction pool for the new EU ETS trading period starting on January 1, 2021.
- Trading companies will be reimbursed upon an application submitted to Zarządca Rozliczeń S.A. For applications involving more than 4 million power take-off points, reimbursement would be made within 6 months of the date of application.
The draft act was published on February 24, 2020 on the Government Legislation Center’s (GLC) website. |
At present, public consultations are being held. Upon completion of consultations, the draft will be sent to the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers . |
To the greatest extent, the draft affects the operation of the Supply segment. It entails additional obligations imposed on trading companies, such as: notifying customers of their right to compensation, accepting and verifying requests, payment of compensation, and inspection activities in consultation with the competent head of the tax office.
The draft stipulates that electricity distribution companies qualify end customers to one of the four groups eligible for compensation, and this compensation is to depend on the consumption of electricity at a given power take-off point.

Regulation on the Low-Carbon Transport Fund |
The drafts set forth detailed rules for the functioning of the Low-Carbon Transport Fund established under the Act on Biocomponents and Liquid Biofuels.
The draft regulation on the detailed conditions for the granting and settlement of support granted under the Fund determines, in particular, the maximum amount of support, the list of eligible costs and the intensity of support.
The draft regulation on the detailed criteria for selection of projects to be granted support under the Fund, specifies the following key criteria: (i) significance of the project for purposes of market development, (ii) appropriateness and relevance of the activities planned and their implementation, (iii) assessment of the planned costs of the project in relation to the scope of works, (iv) organisational capacities of the applicant to complete the project and institutional arrangements for its implementation.
The regulations were published in the Journal of Laws on December 23, 2019 and entered into force on December 24, 2019. |
The announcement of the first call for applications for funding from the Low Emission Transport Fund is scheduled for the first half of 2020. |
The support granted under the Fund can be used, in particular, for the construction of the infrastructure for charging electrical vehicles and for the production of biomethane used in transport . |

Amendment to the Energy Law |
The updated energy law contains a number of changes, including:
- comprehensive regulation for energy storage;
- introduction of mandatory remote readings at metering installations;
- establishment of an energy market information operator, responsible for establishing and developing a central market information system.
Public consultations on the draft act ended in November 2018.
Another (significantly revised) draft was published on December 23, 2019. The draft was submitted to the Committee for European Affairs on February 11, 2020.
The draft is scheduled to be submitted to the Council of Ministers for approval in the first half of 2020. |
The proposed solutions will affect all segments of the PGE Group’s operations, especially the Supply and Distribution segments. |
Draft act on promoting electricity generation in offshore wind farms |
The draft act provides for enabling the development of offshore wind power generation. Offshore wind farms are important for the fulfilment of international commitments in the field of renewable energy in the long term. The key to these is to create legal regulations that will stimulate the growth of this sector.
The draft provides for:
- A separate support system dedicated to the offshore technology, adjusted to its technical and economic conditions, consisting in granting the so-called right to cover the negative balance to be calculated on the basis of the offshore installation’s LCOE, including the connection construction costs that will be incurred by the investor in the initial phase.
- Numerous modifications of administrative procedures related to the investment process, taking into account the specificity of the project to construct offshore wind farms.
Public deliberations and consultation lasted till January 15, 2020.
Currently, comments submitted in public consultations are being analysed. Then, the draft will be sent to the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers. |
The Act is of key importance for the development of offshore wind farms and thus for PGE Baltica, a company responsible for the implementation of the Offshore Programme at the PGE Group and coordinating preparations for the construction of three wind farms. |

Draft ordinance of the Minister of State Assets on the reference price of electricity from renewable energy sources in 2020, and periods for producers who won the auction in 2020. |
According to the draft, the proposed reference price values, except for those concerning installations with a total installed electrical capacity of not more than 1 MW which use only onshore wind energy to generate electricity, as well as installations with a total installed electrical capacity of no more than 1 MW and with a total installed electrical capacity of more than 1 MW, using only solar radiation energy to generate electricity – which were reduced – are the same as the reference price values set for 2019.
Reference price for installations:
- with a total installed electrical capacity of more than 1 MW, using only onshore wind energy to generate electricity, is PLN 250/MWh (the price in 2019 was PLN 285/MWh);
- with a total installed electrical capacity of no more than 1 MW, using only solar radiation energy to generate electricity, is PLN 360 /MWh (the price in 2019 was PLN 385/MWh);
- with a total installed electrical capacity of more than 1 MW, using only solar radiation energy to generate electricity, is PLN 340/MWh (the price in 2019 was PLN 365/MWh).
Draft ordinance published on February 27, 2020 and released for public deliberations and consultation. On April 2, 2020, results of the deliberations were published. At present, the ordinance is being reviewed by the Minister of Climate. |
Release for interdepartmental consultation. |
The draft regulation has revised prices for wind and solar installations, i.e. technologies that have been most popular in previous auctions and that should account for most of this year’s auction budget. The ordinance may affect the prices of energy produced by wind and photovoltaic installations of PGE Group that will participate in auctions in 2020. |

Ordinance of the Minister of Climate of April 7, 2020 on detailed rules for the determination and calculation of tariffs and for settlements heat supply. |
The amendment to the ordinance refers, among other things, to:
- adapting the cost method of determining the tariff for heat generation in cogeneration units to the new support mechanism for cogeneration,
- streamlining and automating the adjustment of tariffs in case of unforeseen and significant changes in external factors – for the cost method,
- making the process of revising tariffs drawn up using the simplified method more flexible in the event of publication of new reference prices by the President of ERO or modification of licences,
- introducing a mechanism allowing for a one-off transfer in the tariff of purchase costs of CO2 emission rights incurred in 2018, which so far have not been covered by the tariffs calculated using the simplified method.
The draft ordinance was published in February 2020. Public consultation was held until March 6, 2020, followed by interdepartmental deliberations. The ordinance was signed on April 7, 2020 and published on April 23, 2020. |
The ordinance enters into force 14 days after publication, i.e. on May 8, 2020. |
The ordinance has a positive impact on the District Heating segment, in particular on the generation of power in cogeneration. It allows to increase revenues from these activities and makes the tariff approval process more flexible. |

Draft Act amending the Act on disclosure of information about the environment and its protection, public involvement in environmental protection and environmental impact studies and certain other acts. |
The draft act aims to transpose the EIA Directive as regards Article 11(1) and (3), i.e. regulations concerning public access to justice in the area of the environment by granting environmental organisations new powers affecting the possibility to use decisions on environmental conditions of projects significantly affecting the environment and to obtain further investment decisions in the investment and construction process. |
The draft law was published on January 24, 2020 on the website of the Government Legislation Centre and has been released for interdepartmental deliberations. |
Release for public consultation. |
The Act affects all business segments of the PGE Group that implement infrastructural investments. |

Act of March 31, 2020 amending the Act on special solutions to prevent, combat and counteract COVID-19, other infectious diseases and the resulting crisis situations, as well as certain other acts. |
The act introduces a number of measures to support the economy during the COVID-19 epidemic and the state of epidemic announced in Poland. These measures include:
- deduction of loss incurred in 2020 from CIT for 2019;
- ¡ temporary waiver of the extension fee with respect to amounts payable to the state treasury and social insurance institution;
- wage subsidies for employers experiencing economic downtime, financed from the Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund;
- suspension of the obligatory periodic medical examinations for employees.
A key point is the waiver of the provisions allowing electricity companies to cut off the supply of electricity, heat or gas to customers who do not pay their bills on time. The special provisions are to apply during the period of the epidemic emergency and state of the epidemic.
The act entered into force on March 31, 2020. |
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Provisions that prevent energy companies from conducting debt collection activities by suspending the supply of energy or gas fuels may have a material adverse effect on the financial and liquidity standing of the Supply and Distribution segment. |

Draft Act amending some acts in the field of protective measures due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus |
The Act introduces further protective tools for the economy during the COVID-19 epidemic and the epidemic status announced on the territory of the Republic of Poland. The Act contains provisions that allow limiting the scope of collateral for monetary transactions, including:
- raising the limit for possible certificates confirming generation of energy from renewable energy sources (without reduction coefficient and limits for a given chamber member and the entire chamber);
- abolition of the reduction coefficient for non-cash collateral in the form of CO2 emission allowances and abolition of limits at the level of a given chamber member and the entire chamber;
- introducing the possibility of presenting, as non-monetary security, guarantee by the parent company;
- exemption from the obligation to provide financial security required for some of the deposits if an appropriate investment rating is provided.
The draft act was published on April 28, 2020 on the Sejm website. On May 15, 2020, the Act was published in the Journal of Laws, entering into force, as a rule, on the day following the day of publication, i.e. May 16, 2020. |
The Act affects all business segments of the PGE Group by offering further tools that are to enable liquidity to be maintained in 2020 or to reduce losses due to the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic. |