Integrated Report 2019 | PGE Capital Group

Market environment

Merit order

Organisation of the electricity market

The electricity market is organised in such a way that units with a lower variable cost have priority over units with higher costs. This rule is called „Merit order”. During the demand peak („PEAK”), a larger number of generating units is involved in satisfying demand than in off-peak hours („OFF-PEAK”), when electricity is generated only in the most economical units. Naturally, the electricity in the peak is more expensive than outside the peak.

Conventional power plants can adapt their production to demand and market conditions as part of their technical capabilities. On the other hand, the supply of electricity from renewable sources depends only on atmospheric conditions.

High RES generation

Normal demand

High RES generation

High demand

Low RES generation

Normal demand

Low RES generation

High demand

High RES generation

Normal demand

Podczas wietrznej pogody dostępnych jest dużo mocy odnawialnych. Jeśli nie ma dużego zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną, nie potrzeba wielu mocy konwencjonalnych i cena ustala się na niskim poziomie – równym zmiennym kosztom wytwarzania w bardziej efektywnych jednostkach na węgiel kamienny.

High RES generation

High demand

Gdy wieje wiatr ale zapotrzebowanie na energię wzrasta do produkcji wykorzystywane są mniej efektywne elektrownie. Ponieważ zmienny koszt wytworzenia jest w nich wyższy – cena na rynku rośnie. Czasami też wykorzystane zostają elektrownie szczytowo-pompowe.

Low RES generation

Normal demand

Bezwietrzna pogoda powoduje, że z rynku znika duża ilość elektrowni odnawialnych. Wówczas za zapewnienie dostaw energii odpowiedzialne są elektrownie konwencjonalne. Nawet te mniej efektywne elektrownie węglowe. Cena rośnie do poziomu ich zmiennych kosztów wytwarzania.

Low RES generation

High demand

Gdy brak jest wiatru, a zapotrzebowanie jest bardzo wysokie, sytuacja staje się napięta. Cena na rynku rośnie do poziomu zmiennych kosztów wytwarzania w najdroższych elektrowniach. W niektórych przypadkach produkcja odbywa się w jednostkach spalających gaz.

Renewable installations (RES) – with almost zero variable cost, come first with guaranteed offtake, supported with RES certificates or in auction system

CHP plants – treated as „must-run”, generating heat, electricity is an additional product, CHPs are additionally supported by yellow certificates

Autoproducers – „must run” CHPs generating for industrial purposes with ability to deliver surplus of electricity

Lignite power plants

Hard coal power plants

Pumped-storage units – working according to TSO needs, separately remunerated

Gas-fired units working in condensation

The cost of electricity is made up of the following:

  • cost of investment, i.e. construction of the power plant. This cost is amortised over the plant’s lifecycle.
  • fixed costs, i.e. on-going maintenance: employee wages, repairs, equipment, etc. These costs are incurred regardless of whether the plant is producing electricity or not.
  • variable costs, i.e. how much it costs to generate each additional MWh of energy. The level of variable costs directly depends on the level of production. The main component of variable costs is the cost of fuel.

For different types of power plants, the relation between these costs varies. For example, for wind farms or photovoltaics, the cost of investment and its share in total costs are high. However, operating, fixed and variable costs are relatively low. In the case of conventional plants, variable and fixed costs are more balanced, largely depending on the cost of fuel.

This is why in Poland the levelized cost of electricity per 1 MWh is still higher for renewable energy than conventional. However, at PGE we are also forecasting a gradual decline in the cost of generating energy from renewable sources.

The price on the wholesale market is driven by variable costs, and more precisely – by the marginal cost to produce 1 MWh of electricity. Based on the level of these costs, from the lowest to the highest, a supply curve (merit order) is created. The point where the demand curve crosses the supply curve is the current market price of energy.

Fixed costs are incurred regardless of whether a given plant operates or not. Therefore, they have no present impact on the price of electricity.

High costs of investing in renewable sources (i.e. sources with low variable cost) are financed outside the electricity market, from subsidies that all consumers pay for.

Not all capacities are always available on the market. Therefore, the price is driven by their availability and by demand for electricity – lower at night, higher during the day, and seasonally shifting – higher in the winter, lower in the summer.

In Poland, we have limited water resources and limited capability of using solar energy, which translates into a limited number of plants fuelled by these forces of nature. This is why the most important renewable source is wind energy. It is wind conditions that largely determine the level of available capacity.

The most important factor in capacity availability is thus the weather. Therefore, the level of the availability of renewable capacities is variable, and there must always be an appropriate conventional capacity reserve, ready for immediate use whenever weather conditions make it impossible to generate energy from wind.

It is because variable costs have an impact on the price of electricity. For conventional plants, the main costs are: cost of fuel and cost of COemission allowances.

Wind farms, hydro plants and photovoltaic units do not incur these costs. Therefore, they are always first in the merit order. CHP plants are similar – their primary role is to produce heat, while electricity is generated in addition to that. Given the cost of fuel (coal, gas) and CO2 allowances, conventional plants are further out in the merit order.

In Poland, lignite plants usually have the lowest variable costs, followed by hard coal plants, with gas-fired plants being the most expensive.

The production cost, of course, depends on the efficiency of fuel processing at the plant. Therefore, new units will offer cheaper electricity than existing ones.

The mechanism for setting prices based on variable costs was effective in a free market situation, undistorted by the subsidising of select technologies.

Subsidising the costs of investing in renewables has distorted the energy market, worsening the economics of conventional unit operations because these cannot operate at full capacity. In many markets, the operation of permanently or temporarily unprofitable assets is being limited. This may not be allowed on the market for electricity, which is one of the basic human needs. In disadvantageous weather conditions (e.g. no wind), there would not be enough energy, which would cause a blackout. This is destructive for the economy and for the regular life of people.

This is where the concept of capacity market comes in – as a market supplementary to the electricity market, offering the certainty of electricity supplies irrespective of the weather or time of day.

The need to support the operational readiness of generating sources results directly from market distortions caused by non-market support for uncontrollable renewable energy sources. This is not additional support – this is really just levelling the playing field. Thanks to this, stable generating sources may receive partial compensation for declining wholesale prices (which until now covered variable costs and fixed costs). This will allow plants to be maintained and modernised so that they can be cleaner and more efficient – for uninterrupted and reliable supplies of energy to our clients.

Electricity prices – Domestic market

The situation on the domestic electricity market is crucial for the PGE Group operations. The main factors affecting the domestic market is the European Union’s climate policy, i.e. the listing of CO2 emission allowances and the cost of hard coal, i.e. the key fuel for the Polish power system. The weather has a significant impact on short-term price fluctuations.

Market/measure Unit Q4 2019 Q4 2018 % change 2019 2018 % change
RDN – average price PLN/MWh 211 245 -14% 230 223 3%
RDN – trading volume TWh 7,50 6,74 11% 28,32 23,55 20%

Factor Unit Q4 2019 Q4 2018 % change 2019 2018 % change
CO2 emission rights EUR/t 25 20 25% 25 17 47%
Polish Energy Industry Coal Index PSCMI1 PLN/GJ 12 11 9% 12 11 9%
Wind generation NPS TWh 4.04 3.70 9% 13.90 11.68 19%

In the fourth quarter of 2019, the average electricity price on the day-ahead market was PLN 211/MWh and was higher by 14% than average price (PLN 245/MWh) in same period in the preceding year. The decrease in energy prices was mainly attributable to the increase in transmission capacities for cross-border exchange, which resulted in a 226% increase in net imports compared to the fourth quarter of 2018. The drop in prices was also driven by a 0.7 TWh year-on-year decrease in demand for electricity and 9% increase in generation from NPS wind sources.

In full year 2019, the average price on the day-ahead market was PLN 230/MWh, which is 3% higher than the price recorded in the preceding year (PLN 223/MWh). The increase in price on the day-ahead market was connected with the situation on related markets – prices of CO2 emission rights in 2019 was by 47% higher than in the base year and amounted to EUR 25/t. The PSCMI1 index in 2019 averaged PLN 12/GJ – up by 9% y/y. On the other hand, price decrease pressure was exerted by the net import volume higher by 86% y/y and wind generation volume higher by 19% y/y. The prices were also affected by a decrease in demand by 1.5 TWh y/y.

Average monthly prices at the day-ahead market in 2018–2019 (TGE.*

*Average monthly RDN prices calculated on the base of hourly quotations (fixing).

Market/measure Unit Q4 2019 Q4 2018 % change 2019 2018 % change
BASE Y+1 – average price PLN/MWh 257 281 -9% 266 243 9%
BASE Y+1 – trading volume TWh 34.33 38.70 -11% 118.04 125.80 -6%
PEAK5 Y+1 – average price PLN/MWh 298 378 -21% 324 348 -7%
PEAK5 Y+1 – trading volume TWh 5.26 5.28 0% 16.41 10.00 64%

Electricity prices on forward market are shaped by the similar fundamental factors, as the prices on the Day-Ahead Market described in the previous paragraph.

Observed forward market increase (y/y) for BASE_Y+1 are related to the y/y increases on the related markets: CO2 emission rights and hard coal.

On the other hand, the fall in prices in the fourth quarter of 2019 results from increased cross-border transmission capacities and the inclusion of the supply of cheaper energy from abroad into the domestic market. the drop in PEAK5_Y+1 contract price indicates a flattening of the supply curve and less optimistic demand forecasts, after taking increasing imports into account.

Average monthly prices on the forward market in 2018–2019 (TGE).*

*Monthly average index level for forward contracts for the next year (Y+1), baseload and peak, weighted by the trading volume.

International market

Energy prices on European markets are shaped by a common set of fundamental factors, however, due to the diverse structure of the generation portfolio, the scale of the impact of these factors varies. There is a network of cross-border connections between domestic markets, but the balance of exchange is limited by technical factors.

Comparison of the average electricity prices in Poland and neighbouring markets in 2019
(prices in PLN/MWh, average rate EUR/PLN 4.30)

Source: TGE, EEX, Nordpool.

In the fourth quarter of 2019, the y/y drop in prices on neighbouring markets ranged between PLN 51 and PLN 72/MWh (i.e. approx. 23-32%), whereas in Poland the average prices were lower by PLN 34/MWh y/y (approx. 14%). The low correlation of energy prices results from differences in the technological mix (share of renewable energy sources) and the situation on the markets for related products. The price of hard coal in ARA ports fell by 35% y/y, while the domestic pulverised coal price index, PSCMI-1, increased by 8% over the same period.

On an annual basis, average energy prices on neighbouring markets dropped by PLN 24-28/MWh y/y (i.e. by approx. 12-15%), while the average price in Poland increased by PLN 7/MWh y/y (approx. 3%). The price differential between Poland and neighbouring countries, which deepened in the first half of 2019, was largely attributable to differences in coal prices at home and abroad. In the second half of the year, increased transmission capacities on cross-border connections enabled the import of higher volumes of cheaper energy which contributed to reducing differences in average wholesale prices observed.

Monthly imports, exports and cross-border exchange balance in 2018-2019 (in GWh)

Source: own work based on PSE S.A. data.

In the fourth quarter of 2019, Poland remained a net importer of electricity, and the trade balance (-3.1 TWh) was the highest in the current decade (import 3.4 TWh, export 0.3 TWh). The international trading balance was impacted mostly by import from Sweden (0.9 TWh), Germany (0.7 TWh) and Czechia (0.6 TWh). In full year 2019 net import amounted to 10.4 TWh (import 11.6 TWh, export 1.2 TWh), what in comparison with the preceding year (5.7 TWh) means growth by 4.7 TWh (84% y/y).

Geographical structure of commercial exchange in 2019 (in GWh)

Source: own work based on PSE S.A. data

The diversity of electricity prices for retail customers in the European Union depends both on the level of the wholesale prices of electricity and fiscal system, regulatory mechanism and support schemes in particular.

In Poland in the first half of 20191 an additional burden (over sale price and cost of electricity distribution) for individual customers accounted for 34% of the electricity price and in comparison to EU average of 37%. In Denmark and Germany the proportion of additional charges in the price of electricity exceeded 50%.

Comparison of average prices for individual customers in selected EU countries in the first half of 2019 (prices in PLN/MWh, average exchange rate EUR/PLN 4.29)

Source: own work based on Eurostat data. Eurostat data on retail market are published in semi-annual intervals.

The share of additional charges in electricity prices for the individual customers in selected EU countries in the first half of 2019 (prices in PLN/MWh, average exchange rate EUR/PLN 4.29)

Source: own work based on Eurostat data.

Prices of certificates

In the fourth quarter of 2019 the average price of green certificates (index TGEozea) reached PLN 145 PLN/MWh and was lower by 3% compared to the analogical period of the previous year. An obligation to redeem green certificates increased from 18% in 2018 to 19% in 2019 – as a result the demand for the certificates increased. On the other hand, the wind generation in NPS in the fourth quarter of 2019 was by 9% higher y/y. Moreover, the prices of certificates were affected by the awareness of limited supply thereof in future connected with the closure of a certification system for new units and the upcoming end of a 15-year support period for first installations that had entered the system in 2005. The average price of green green certificates in the fourth quarter of 2019 was at PLN 132/MWh reaching a level higher than the substitute fee, which is PLN 130/MWh in 2019.

PGE-grafiki-EN_wykres-DWA-NA-JEDNYM-kopiaEN-01 PGE-grafiki-EN_wykres-DWA-NA-JEDNYM-kopiaEN-01

Source: own work based on TGE quotations.

Prices of CO2 emission rights

EUA (European Union Allowances) prices are one of the key factors determining wholesale energy prices and PGE Group’s financial results. Installations emitting CO2 in the process of electricity or heat production bear the expenses for purchasing EUA allowances to cover the deficit (i.e. the difference between CO2 emissions at PGE Group’s generating units and the free-of-charge allowances received under derogation in accordance with the National Investment Plan). Wherein, last allocations granted free of charge are planned for realisation of investment tasks for 2019. It means that the free allocations in accordance with the currently used method will end in 2020.

In the fourth quarter of 2019, the weighted average price of EUA DEC 19 reached EUR 24.57/t and was 25% y/y higher than the average price for EUA DEC 18 (EUR 19.66/t) in the similar period of the previous year. In the full year 2019 the weighted average price of EUA DEC 19 reached EUR 24.66/t and was by 49% y/y higher than the average price of EUR 16.51/t of EUA DEC 18 in the previous year. Lower y/y growth in the fourth quarter compared to the annual dynamics indicates a stabilization of prices (at a relatively high level). The increase in CO2 emission prices, lasting from 2017, is a result of market perception of the EU ETS reform.

Prices of CO2 emission rights

PGE-grafiki-EN_wykres-03-94 PGE-grafiki-EN_wykres-03-94

Source: own work based on ICE quotations.


Emission rights granted free of charge for years 2013-2020

The Regulation of the Council of Ministers, that sets the allocation of allowances for particular units of electricity producers in period 2013-2020, was adopted on April 8, 2014. Analogically, allocations of allowances for heat producers were set by the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of March 31, 2014.

PGE Group’s installations accounts were credited with free allowances for heat and energy for 2018, while free allowances for electricity for 2019 will be received by the Group by the end of April 2020, after verification of reports from investments submitted to the National Investment Plan.

At the same time, redemption of emission rights resulting from CO2 emissions in 2018 was completed in April 2019.

Emission of CO2 broken down into electricity and heat production in relation to allocation of CO2 emission rights for 2019 (in tonnes)

Product CO2 emissions in 2019* Allocation of CO2 emission rights for 2019 **
Electricity 55,892,164 10,623,187
Heat 4,774,110 1,265,990
TOTAL CO emission for electricity and heat production 60,666,274 11,889,177

* Estimates, emissions not verified – the data will be settled and certified by the authorised verifier of CO2 emission on the ground of yearly reports of volume of CO2 emissions.
** Amount of granted CO2 emission rights are to be confirmed in the Regulation of the Council of Ministers in the first quarter of 2020.

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