Integrated Report 2019 | PGE Capital Group

Energy security

Providing energy security has multiple dimensions and is relevant to both on-going operations and long-term investment plans.

Generation units from the Conventional Generation, District Heating and the Renewables segments are deployed in ensuring energy security. The Distribution segment also plays an important role.

Energy system foundations

The deployment of generation units in the National Power System depends on energy demand, which fluctuates around the clock and changes seasonally. The Transmission System Operator issues work or stand-by orders to generation units in accordance with the rule that units with the lowest variable cost are deployed first. As demand grows, the operator engages other (increasingly expensive) generation units, which makes the wholesale energy price go up. PGE Group’s portfolio includes competitive generation units based on lignite, which thanks to a cost advantage and access to their own fuel are engaged by the operator also during off-peak hours, which in practice means around the clock, all week, which has an impact on these generation assets’ production volumes and economies of scale. This is why availability of PGE’s generation assets has a direct impact on energy security and competitive energy pricing for the Polish economy.

Regulatory system services

PGE Group’s generating fleet is distributed throughout the country, which is why we are an important partner for the Transmission System Operator. The operator’s role is to balance the system, i.e. to match demand for electricity with electricity supply. The most important services provided by PGE Group to the Transmission System Operator include:

  • Operational Capacity Reserve, i.e. generation capacities of active units that constitute a surplus of capacities over contracted volumes (if needed, the operator may increase these units’ workload).
  • Intervention Cold Reserve, i.e. maintenance of generation units in readiness to start up at the operator’s request in order to balance capacities on an emergency basis.
  • Forced operation, i.e. use of cogeneration units to ensure the quality of energy supply in response to system limitations (of a local nature).
  • Use of pumped-storage plants to ensure equilibrium of capacity balance and the quality parameters of energy. Pumped-storage plants are activated at the operator’s request and depending on the needs they can either generate or receive energy.
  • Demand management (DSR) – if a shortage or lack of reserves takes place in the system, the operator may try to reduce demand, which consists of voluntary limiting energy intake by energy-intensive customers (e.g. lignite mines).
PLN 600 million
PGE Group's revenue from regulatory system services in 2019

These revenues constitute stable part of the Group’s revenues, and with the launch of the capacity market, their role will increase even more. Thus, PGE’s exposure to the electricity market will become relatively lower.

The capacity market in Poland will commence operation in 2021. Three capacity auctions took place in November and December 2018 – for the periods starting in 2021, 2022, 2023. The main auction for 2024 took place in December 2019. Moreover, first additional auction took place in 2020 –concerning deliveries for the particular quarters of 2021.

Main auctions for delivery years:

2021 2022 2023 2024
Clearing price (PLN/kW/year) 240.32 198 202.99 259.87
Volume contracted (MW) 22,427 10,580 10,631 8,671
Multiyear contracts (MW) 12,459 125 853 5,669

Estimated PGE revenues (indexed*)

*Estimated revenues based on auction clearing price. Capacity obligation price for multiyear agreements will be adjusted annually with the annual average consumer price index (assumed 2.5% a year).

In addition, remuneration for new or modernised units is lowered by the amount of public aid granted to investments. PGE minimalised the risk that capacity market revenues will be curtailed because of public aid

As result of the above auctions, the PGE Group has concluded agreements, securing a revenue of PLN 2.5 billion per annum during the next 5 years. Multiyear auctions concern new units (at Opole, Turów and Dolna Odra power plants) or modernized ones. Low-emission units (like Dolna Odra) benefit from the extension of the contracted capacity supply period by 2 years.

The importance of the capacity market for our investments

PGE Group is committed to long-term projects. Construction of new generation capacities and their diversification is one of the main assumptions of the Group’s strategy. The profitability of investments in generation assets cannot be based solely on the volume of energy produced, but requires an additional support system. The solution is the capacity market, in which generating units receive remuneration not only for the volume of energy produced, but also for the readiness to deliver it. Obtaining 17-year support for the construction of new gas capacities at Dolna Odra Power Plant will allow for a favorable rate of return on investment, while guaranteeing stable revenues.

Reliable distribution

Delivering electricity to customers is no less important than producing it. As Distribution System Operator, we are responsible for the reliability of energy supplies in the eastern and central parts of the country. We deliver energy to end customers over high-, medium- and low-voltage grids. Ensuring energy security means, above all, continuously maintaining the distribution network in proper shape, conducting essential modernisations and immediately removing failures caused by forces of nature. We want interruptions in energy supply to be as short and infrequent as possible. The quality of distribution services is measured using generally accepted indicators: SAIFI and SAIFI:

SAIDI – System Average Interruption Duration Index – measures the average system interruption duration in minutes per customer per year

SAIFI – System Average Interruption Frequency Index – measures the average frequency (number) of interruptions, expressed as the number of customers exposed to the effects of all interruptions in a given year divided by the total number of customers.

Strategic target for 2020 is a 56% reduction in SAIDI and SAIFI, compared to 2015, and a 40% reduction in connection time. The achievement of quality targets is supported by development of monitoring and intelligent metering systems as well as automation.

The President of the Energy Regulatory Office requires distribution system operators to systematically improve quality indicators, tying this to the level of regulated revenue. The tariff process includes the option to adjust network operators’ remuneration due to objective difficulties caused by weather conditions.

In 2019, we consistently improved our quality indicators. At the same time, we also managed to improve the process of connecting new customers to the network, which on average decreased to less than 200 days.

SAIDI (including low voltage)

SAIFI (including low voltage)

Connection time (days)

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