Integrated Report 2019 | PGE Capital Group

20.6 Equity attributable to non-controlling interests

As at December 31, 2019, equity attributable to non-controlling interests related mainly to the non-controlling interests of EDF’s assets in Poland. The acquisition took place on November 13, 2017.

The table below presents changes in equity attributed to non-controlling interests in the reporting periods.

As at December 31, 2019 As at December 31, 2018
AS AT JANUARY 1 1,074 1,250
Share of net profit of subsidiaries 13 13
Share of actuarial gains and losses 33 13
Dividend declared by subsidiaries (1) (1)
Purchase of new subsidiaries (4) (38)
Increase of share capital and acquisition of shares 18
Acquisition of non-controlling interests by the Group (262) (150)
Inclusion of companies in consolidation 8
Cancellation of shares (26)
AS AT DECEMBER 31 848 1,074

80% of the total value of equity attributable to non-controlling interests constitutes the equity of Kogeneracja S.A. A summary of this subsidiary is presented below.

ZEW Kogeneracja S.A.
AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2019*
Current assets 375
Non-current assets 1,638
Current liabilities 193
Non-current liabilities 242
Equity 1,578
Revenue 670
Profit (loss) on continuing operations 13
Dividends declared

* The data is different from statutory data due to consolidation procedures.

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