Integrated Report 2019 | PGE Capital Group

22. Employee benefits

The amount of actuarial provisions recognised in the financial statements results from the valuation prepared by an independent actuary.

The actuary made the following assumptions as at the reporting date to calculate the amount of the obligations:

As at December 31, 2019 As at December 31, 2018
Expected inflation rate (%) 2.85 in 2020,
2.58 in 2021,
2.5 in 2022
and in subsequent years
2.3 in 2019,
2.5 in 2020,
and in subsequent years
Discount rate (%) 2.0 3.0
Expected salary growth rate (%) 2.1 – 5.0 2.1 – 4.46
Employee turnover ratio (%) 0.2 – 12.5 0.0 – 8.4
Expected medical care costs growth rate (%) 0.0 – 2.5 0.0 – 1.8
Expected Social Fund (ZFŚS) contribution growth rate (%) 4.0 – 13.0 3.6
  • The employee attrition probability is based on the historical data on employee turnover at the Group and statistical data on employee attrition in the industry.
  • The mortality and life expectancy ratios are based on the Life Expectancy Tables of Poland , published by the Polish Central Statistics Office (GUS), and assume that the Group’s employee population is representative of the average Polish population in terms of mortality.
  • It was assumed that employees would retire in accordance with the statutory procedure, as prescribed by the Pensions Act, with the exception of employees who meet the conditions for early retirement entitlement.
  • The discount rate on future benefits was assumed at 2.0% (December 31, 2018: 3.0%), i.e. at the level of the yield on long-term Treasury bonds listed on the Polish capital market.

The carrying amount of provisions for post-employment benefits and length-of-service awards:

As at December 31, 2019 As at December 31, 2018
Non-current Current Non-current Current
Retirement, pension and death benefits 553 107 498 90
Coal allowance 139 9 131 9
Energy tariff 806 26 702 25
Company Social Benefits Fund 428 14 316 14
Medical benefits 64 3 58 2
Length-of-service awards 806 111 755 105

Changes in provisions for employee benefits

Retirement, pension and death benefits Coal allowance Energy tariff Company Social Benefits Fund Medical benefits Length-of-service awards Total
AS AT JANUARY 1, 2019 588 140 727 330 605 860 2,705
Actuarial gains and losses 14 (37) 50 (1) 39 65
Discount rate adjustment 49 12 116 57 2 60 300
Current service costs 30 2 20 10 46 110
Past service costs (1) 7 (1) 2 5
Interest cost 18 4 22 9 2 26 81
Benefits paid / Provisions used (39) (9) (23) (13) (2) (114) (200)
AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2019 660 148 832 442 67 917 3,066
Change recognised in operating expenses (30) (1) (27) (9) (2) (145) (214)
Change recognised in finance income/(costs) (18) (4) (22) (9) (2) (26) (81)
Change recognised in other comprehensive income (63) (12) (79) (107) (5) (266)

Retirement, pension and death benefits Coal allowance Energy tariff Company Social Benefits Fund Medical benefits Length-of-service awards Total
AS AT JANUARY 1, 2018 522 147 648 322 65 825 2,529
Actuarial gains and losses 40 (11) 37 32 9 50 179
Discount rate adjustment 17 5 39 16 2 21 100
Current service costs 26 1 17 7 1 42 94
Past service costs (4) (21) (12) (48) (16) (4) (105)
Interest cost 18 5 22 11 2 28 86
Benefits paid / Provisions used (33) (8) (24) (10) (3) (103) (181)
Purchase of new subsidiaries 1 1
Other changes 2 2
AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2018 588 140 727 330 60 860 2,705
Change recognised in operating expenses (23) 20 (5) 41 15 (109) (61)
Change recognised in other finance income/(costs) (18) (5) (22) (11) (2) (28) (86)
Change recognised in other comprehensive income (56) (16) (76) (48) (11) (207)

Analysis of sensitivity of actuarial provisions to changes in key assumptions as at December 31, 2019

Carrying amount Discount rate Expected average growth rate of the basis of calculation
-1 p.p. + 1 p.p. -1 p.p. + 1 p.p.
Retirement, pension and death benefits 660 56 (48) (49) 55
Coal allowance 148 9 (17) (17) 9
Energy tariff 832 149 (108) (110) 149
Company Social Benefits Fund 442 71 (56) (57) 70
Medical benefits 67 8 (7) (7) 8
Length-of-service awards 917 66 (58) (59) 65
TOTAL 3,066 359 (294) (299) 356

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