Integrated Report 2019 | PGE Capital Group

Currency risk is related to the possibility that financial results deteriorate as a result of changes in exchange rates.

The main sources of exposure to currency risk are presented below:

  • capital expenditures denominated in or indexed to foreign currencies;
  • indebtedness denominated in foreign currencies;
  • purchase and sales of electricity denominated in foreign currencies;
  • fees denominated in or indexed to foreign currency on account of purchase of transmission capacities;
  • sales and purchases of CO2 emission allowances and gas as well as purchases of hard coal and other fuels denominated in or indexed to foreign currencies;
  • expenses related to current operation of generation assets denominated in or indexed to foreign currencies;
  • investment financial assets denominated in foreign currencies;
  • other operating flows denominated in or indexed to foreign currencies.

PGE Group controls currency risk through a system of limits relating to the maximum potential loss due to changes in exchange rates with respect to the consolidated currency risk exposure of Group companies. The currency risk measure is based on the value-at-risk, understood as a product of the amount of the absolute currency position and the value of a potential change in exchange rates.

Moreover, PGE Group sets out hedging strategies with respect to the consolidated currency risk exposure of Group companies using hedging ratios subject to approval by the Company’s Risk Committee and Management Board. The hedging strategy and level of currency risk are subject to monitoring and are reported to the Risk Committee on a regular basis.

PGE Group companies enter into derivative transactions concerning instruments that are based on currency only in order to hedge identified risk exposures.

Regulations in force at the PGE Group do not allow, with regard to derivative transactions based on currencies, to enter into speculative transactions, i.e. transactions which would be aimed at generating additional gains resulting from changes in exchange rates, while exposing the Company to the risk of incurring a potential loss on this account.

The Group’s exposure to currency risk by class of financial instruments:

Total amount in the financial statements in PLN CURRENCY POSITION AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2019
currency PLN currency PLN
Trade and other financial receivables: 4,995 148 629
Cash and cash equivalents 1,313 117 498 2 8
Derivatives, including: 420 1,108 4,718 62 237
Measured at fair value through profit or loss 368 490 2,087 62 237
Hedging instruments 52 618 2,631
FINANCIAL ASSETS 6,728 1,373 5,845 64 245
Credit facilities, loans, bonds and leases 12,308 209 888 22 83
Trade and other payables measured at amortised cost 5,040 18 73 39 147
Derivatives, including: 479 3,120 13,287 53 203
Measured at fair value through profit or loss 40 234 997 41 157
Hedging instruments 439 2,886 12,290 12 46
FINANCIAL LIABILITIES 17,827 3,347 14,248 114 433


The carrying amount of derivatives represents their fair value. The value of exposure to currency risk for forwards represents their notional amount in the currency. The value of exposure to currency risk for CCIRSs represents the value of discounted cash flows in the currency leg in the currency.

Total amount in the financial statements in PLN CURRENCY POSITION AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2018
currency PLN currency PLN
Trade and other financial receivables: 4,270 34 145 2 6
Cash and cash equivalents 1,281 21 89 1 3
Derivatives, including: 165 913 3,926 142 532
Measured at fair value through profit or loss 42 11 47 135 506
Hedging instruments 123 902 3,879 7 25
FINANCIAL ASSETS 5,782 968 4,160 145 541
Credit facilities, loans, bonds and leases 10,708 734 3,156 48 179
Trade and other payables measured at amortised cost 4,137 48 205 17 65
Derivatives, including: 136 1,296 205 122 459
Measured at fair value through profit or loss 64 74 318 122 459
Hedging instruments 72 1,222 5,255
FINANCIAL LIABILITIES 14,981 2,078 8,934 187 703


The carrying amount of derivatives represents their fair value. The value of exposure to currency risk for forwards represents their notional amount in the currency. The value of exposure to currency risk for CCIRSs represents the value of discounted cash flows in the currency leg in the currency.

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