Non-contractual use of property
As described in note 21.4 to these financial statements, PGE Group recognises provision for disputes under court proceedings concerning non-contractual use of properties intended for distribution activities. In addition, PGE Group is involved in disputes at an earlier stage of proceedings and it cannot be excluded that the number and value of similar disputes will increase in the future.
Contractual liabilities related to purchase of fuels
According to the concluded agreements for the purchase of fuels (mainly coal and gas), PGE Group companies are obliged to collect the minimum volume of fuels and not to exceed the maximum level of collection of gas fuel in particular periods. Failure to collect the minimum volumes of fuels specified in the contracts, may result in extra fees being imposed (in case of gas fuel, the volume not collected by power plants but paid up may be collected within the next three contractual years).
In PGE Group’s opinion, the terms and conditions of fuel deliveries to its power generating units as described above do not differ from the terms and conditions of fuel deliveries to other power generating units in the Polish market.