As at the reporting date, PGE Group held PLN 33 million in contingent receivables resulting from the imbalance between purchases and sales of energy in the domestic market (PLN 27 million in the comparative period) and from potential return of overpaid excise duty of PLN 72 million. The Group is waiting for the Supreme Administrative Court’s decision on what excise duty rate should be applied to settle the excise duty relief for the surrender of Property Rights arising from renewable energy sources before January 1, 2019.
In PGE Group’s opinion, the rate in force at the time of sale of electricity generated from renewable energy sources to the final user, i.e. 20 PLN/MWh, should be used to settle the said relief. This position was sustained by the judgment of the Regional Administrative Court in Rzeszów of October 8, 2019.
On November 20, 2019, the tax authority filed a cassation appeal against the above mentioned ruling of the Provincial Administrative Court.