Integrated Report 2019 | PGE Capital Group

7.2.1 Depreciation, amortisation, disposal and impairment losses

The following presents depreciation, amortisation, disposals and impairment losses of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, right-of-use assets and investment property in the statement of comprehensive income.

Year ended Depreciation, amortisation, disposal Impairment losses
Cost of goods sold 3,592 82 47 2 3,723 7,517 (4) 7,513
Distribution and selling expenses 15 3 18
General and administrative expenses 30 18 9 57 5 5
RECOGNISED IN PROFIT OR LOSS 3,637 103 56 2 3,798 7,522 (4) 7,518
Change in products 3 3
Work performed by entity and capitalised 97 1 98
TOTAL 3,737 103 57 2 3,899 7,522 (4) 7,518
Other operating income (1) (1)
Other operating expenses 3 3

Year ended Depreciation, amortisation, disposal Impairment losses
December 31, 2018 PPE IA IP TOTAL PPE IA TOTAL
Cost of goods sold 3,319 95 2 3,416 402 402
Distribution and selling expenses 11 3 14
General and administrative expenses 39 20 59 1 1 2
RECOGNISED IN PROFIT OR LOSS 3,369 118 2 3,489 403 1 404
Change in products 1 1
Work performed by entity and capitalised 91 91
TOTAL 3,460 119 2 3,581 403 1 404
Other operating income (2) (2)

In the current period, the Group performed impairment tests on non-current assets, as a result of which it recognised/reversed impairment losses in the total amount of PLN 7,129 million. For a detailed description, see notes 3.1 and 3.3 to these financial statements.

Other impairment losses recognised in the reporting period concern capital expenditure incurred in the units for which impairment losses were recognised in previous periods.

Under “Depreciation, amortisation, disposal”, the Group recognised the net disposals of PPE and IA of PLN 56 million.

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