Integrated Report 2019 | PGE Capital Group

7.2 Costs by nature and function


Cost of goods sold

Cost of goods sold includes:

  • cost of products incurred in the reporting period adjusted for changes in products (finished products, semi-finished products and work-in-progress) and for cost of work performed by entity and capitalised,
  • cost of electricity, goods and materials sold, at purchase prices, changes in fair value of financial instruments related to coal, measured at fair value, as well as changes in inventories of coal measured at fair value.

Costs of products which are directly attributable to revenue generated by the entity affect the entity’s profit or loss for the reporting period in which the income was earned.

Costs of products that can only indirectly be attributed to revenue or other benefits received by the entity affect the entity’s profit or loss to the extent they are attributable to the reporting period, ensuring their matching with revenue or other economic benefits.

Year ended December 31, 2019 Year ended December 31, 2018
restated data
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses 11,417 3,985
Materials and energy consumption 5,370 4,900
External services 2,548 2,481
Taxes and fees 5,483 4,001
Employee benefits expenses 5,464 4,882
Other costs by nature 327 322
TOTAL COST BY NATURE 30,609 20,571
Change in products (28) (2)
Cost of products and services for the entity’s own needs (1,333) (1,176)
Distribution and selling expenses (1,361) (1,406)
General and administrative expenses (1,099) (984)
Cost of goods and materials sold 13,345 4,041
COST OF GOODS SOLD 40,133 21,044

The increase in the cost of goods and materials sold results from the increase in the purchase of electricity on the wholesale market and on the balancing market and is caused by the increased turnover of electricity on the exchange, which is a consequence of the introduction of exchange sale requirement of 100%.

As disclosed in notes 3.1 and 3.3 to these financial statements, following impairment tests performed, the Group recognised and reversed impairment losses on non-current assets in the amount of PLN 7,129 million under Amortisation, depreciation and impairment losses. In 2019, the total amount of impairment losses recognised and reversed was PLN 7,518 million.

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